
José Manuel Ramos-Horta: “We resisted the temptation of violence”

"We never resorted to extremist tactics like kidnapping and killing innocent civilians; we had a very strict code of conduct that never allowed us to descend to the barbarity of the other side", says José Manuel Ramos-Horta, a freedom fighter, Timor-Leste's ex-president and a Nobel laureate.

Development in Nepal: Jeopardized by 23 Governments in 24 Years

By Rajendra Senchurey Nepal’s counterparts in Asia have progressed dramatically in these decades. But since the advent of multiparty democracy, Nepal has not achieved anything significant. Quite surprisingly, in terms of economic progress, Nepal exhibits the characters of a Sub-Saharan economy. Then what is the cause of Nepal’s stagnation?

Ending terrorism in Nigeria: is Operation Safe Corridor the right approach?

In Nigeria, data shows that a large number of individuals, particularly in Northern Nigeria choose to join Boko Haram due to poverty, lack of education, unemployment, the willingness to learn more about Islam, and the knowledge that Nigeria tolerates impunity.

Who will win the Power Struggle for Tajikistan in the Central Asian ‘Great Game’?

By Adil Khan Tajikistan is the poorest piece in the multifaceted jigsaw of Central Asia, being pulled by all corners of the globe. With the political elite apparently drowning in ‘cronyism and corruption’, if Tajikistan becomes too dependant on its foreign partners, it could perhaps lose its ability to function as an independent State, and ultimately, its sovereignty.

Self-Interested Security and Development in the Middle East

By Hriday Sarma Is encouraging democracy among the states in the Middle East, which is presently going on at the behest of the West, a genuinely good way to address the prevalent and future conflicts of the region?

Global politics expert reflects on women leaders who have broken barriers

Jalalzai believes that women leaders often bring a distinct set of skills and experiences to the table, including a propensity for collaborative approaches and advocacy for marginalized groups.

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