“Human Trafficking is Not Just a Third World Problem”
Leeches, a short movie recently produced and premiered in the UK emphasizes that human trafficking is not just a third world problem. The movie was inspired by the director Lalit Bhusal's own observations during his stints, first in India and later in the United Kingdom.
War & Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is not officially at war, but for decades the ordinary Congolese haven't experienced an essence of peace either. After years of bloodshed and devastation, the DRC is staggering towards normalcy, but after brief intervals the country finds itself rebound into violent conflicts again and again.
LGBT Rights in Argentina: A Model for Latin America
For a country synonymous with a culture of machismo, gauchos (cowboys) and a dance deeply rooted in traditional male-female dominant- submissive roles, the tango, Argentina is surprisingly leading the way for gender and sexual equality or LGBT rights in Latin America.
Bangladesh: Police and Youth Unite for a Safer Community
By Md. Sariful Islam
Meetings, lectures and open dialogues among the police and students at different faculties and departments of universities are regularly arranged and they play...
In Front of Finnish Parliament: A Fight Against Death, Deportation and Compassion Fatigue
By Manoj Bhusal & Saila Ohranen
As sovereign states, countries are free to decide whom to welcome inside their territories, but if global responsibility is a part of the puzzle, many countries in Europe will have to do a serious soul-searching to recover from what we might call now a pervasive compassion fatigue.Organisations Seek Intervention on Forced Sterilisation in Namibia
By Winston Mwale
The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) and four other human rights organisations, concerned with the coerced and forced sterilisation of women living with HIV/AIDS in Namibia, have requested the UN Human Rights Committee to raise this with the government of Namibia.
Orange Sweet Potato Reduces Diarrhea in Children, Study Finds
A new study has found that orange sweet potato (OSP) reduced both the prevalence and duration of diarrhea in young children in Mozambique.
Development as Freedom And Education
By Bak Hyejin
Education can be regarded as a crucial factor for the development of capabilities as well as human development. A review of Amartya Sen's seminal work Development as Freedom.
Playing For A Goal in Cambodia
Playing For A Goal is a sports workshop that will provide both children and trainers with the necessary tools and knowledge to co-design and execute a sustainable Sports Program for underprivileged children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.