Lecturio to Provide Free E-Learning Resources to Improve Global Health

Lecturio, a German tech company, has announced the launch of MEDI, a new Medical Education Development Initiative that aims to support medical capacity building in the developing world.

COVID 19: an imminent threat to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

The Rohingya refugees have suffered problems related to shelter, food, safety, and healthcare from the very beginning, and now the COVID-19 pandemic has further deteriorated their situation.

Cancer & Condescension: The Case of Iraq’s Imposed Epidemic

lBy Aliza Amlani Forget about oil, occupation, terrorism or even al-Qaeda. The real hazard for Iraqis these days is cancer. As the Iraq War officially ends,...

Domiciliary Care for the Elderly in Romania: A Social Dilemma

By Luciana Grosu Being old in Romania often equals being poor. Romania’s population is younger compared to other EU countries, nevertheless, it is aging rapidly. There are indeed elderly people who die of hunger, alone in their homes. We often hear about such cases, but there’s not much we can do about it”, admits Lisei Maria.

Over 10,000 health workers infected with COVID-19 in Africa, says WHO

In many African countries, infection prevention and control measures aimed at preventing infections in health facilities are still not fully implemented.

Navigating healthcare uncertainty across Africa

With higher mortality rates for women and children, lack of access to infrastructure and medication, and the high cost of medication, Africa needs smart interventions to overcome the barriers to healthcare access and adoption.

Pandemic profits for companies soar by billions as poorest struggle to get by

Thirty-two of the world’s largest companies stand to see their profits jump by $109 billion more in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic lays bare an economic model that delivers profits for the wealthiest on the back of the poorest, according to a new Oxfam report released this week.

Uganda: How previous Ebola outbreaks helped respond to COVID-19

Several Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) were constructed across the country and these have in turn been used in the COVID-19 response. Although these centers have not been used to accommodate confirmed COVID-19 patients, they have however been used as quarantine centers for people under observations.

COVID-19 and conflict: communicating for peace during a global health crisis

While this pandemic may have created new forms of exclusion, strategies and tools exist to address health promotion, whilst continuing to communicate for peace in conflict-affected contexts. The design of an integrated peacebuilding and technical health response, which is sensitive to individual conflicts’ dynamics and keeps in mind communication challenges such as misinformation, mistrust and reduced interpersonal contact, is crucial.

Rwanda uses drones for COVID-19 awareness in remote, densely populated areas

The Rwanda National Police has intervened with drones to raise COVID-19 awareness in densely-populated and hard-to-reach areas of the country.

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