Plans Underway to Localise and Develop the Iraqi Workforce
Amidst improving security and political climate several international organizations and corporations have stepped in to develop the local workforce in Iraq. Under a year ago, oil and gas services company UnaOil teamed up with engineering and manufacturing firm Sulzer to open up a strategic base in North Rumaila so that they can provide workshops and other services for oil workers in the nation.
The Cookstove That’s Ready To Switch On The Developing World
An engineering research team, led by Dr Anthony Robinson at Trinity College Dublin, has designed a locally assembled, clean and inexpensive cookstove for use in the developing world that converts a small portion of its heat into usable electricity.
Kabul’s Dark Nights and the Dream of a New Silk Route
By Sayed Jalal
With the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, how feasible the Turkmenistan, Afghanistan Pakistan and India (TAPI) gas pipeline project will be?Energy Efficiency in Russia and Central Asia – Time to Conserve?
by Meerim Shakirova
Several developing country issues, particularly those concerned with the environment, such as population growth, the greenhouse effect, ecological degradation and natural resource...
Can Regulation Incent Electrification?
By Owen Reynolds
One of the basic limitations to international development in the 21st Century has been a lack of energy—a lack of which can...
Bboxx launches bPower20, aims to make solar energy more accessible in Africa
Bboxx, a next-generation utility that manufactures, distributes, and finances decentralized solar powered systems in developing countries, has launched the bPower20 product, to make solar energy more accessible at scale.