Lecturio to Provide Free E-Learning Resources to Improve Global Health

Lecturio, a German tech company, has announced the launch of MEDI, a new Medical Education Development Initiative that aims to support medical capacity building in the developing world.

Cambodia: Inclusive Education Combats Social Barriers

Despite its rating as least-developed country (LDC) where 56.5 per cent of the population are estimated by the World Bank (WB) to earn less than $2 a day (adjusted for purchasing power parity), Cambodia is consistently, albeit incrementally, improving its enrolment and literacy rates and successfully reducing poverty (from 34.7 per cent in 2004 to 30.1 per cent in 2007, WB). However, marginalized, physically impaired people are still severely affected by income inequality and exclusion.

How Free is Free Education in Kenya & Uganda?

Free education is a concept that is only free on paper, but the reality is, education in Uganda and Kenya is expensive. There have been cases where students had to buy a bag of cement, toilet papers and brooms for their school. And in some cases students who fail to make book donations to school have been sent away.

Story of a Rural Bolivian University

by Rachel Satterlee  A university on the eastern slopes of the Andes in rural Bolivia is providing an avenue for students to obtain professional skills...

Tourism for Change: An Inspiring Example from Cambodia

By Jenna Ke   With “adventurous living, responsible giving” as its tagline, PEPY, a non-profit organization based in Cambodia, aims to inspire people to become more responsible donors, travelers, and global citizens through educational tourism.

East African Countries Unlikely to Achieve MDG on Education, But Progress is Steady


A recently published UNSCO report shows that all 5 countries of the East African Community (EAC)- Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda,Tanzania and Uganda, failed to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on access to Universal Primary Education and Education for All targets.

Child Friendly Spaces for Rural Children in Kashmir

By Sumera B. Reshi In the wake of a deadly natural disaster, Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) in Kashmir, India serve as alternative spaces within villages for children to come together and engage in activities that allow both recreation and information. The CFSs allow the children from disadvantaged sections of the society to have an equal access to recreation and information.

The Post-MDG Agenda: Why Keep Spending in Education?

By Aparna Patankar "Strong education systems are the foundations upon which we can build the structures and programs to eradicate poverty"

Book Review: Ecoliterate—A Book Of Inspiration for Practical Action

by Ioulia Fenton One of the hardest things to do for anyone interested in issues of environmental sustainability is to translate ideas and complaints into...

Reinventing a New Model for Education in Rural Nepal


By Manoj Kr. Bhusal

A Public school in Western Nepal offers a new educational model that could significantly change Nepal's primary and secondary education systems.

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