Cambodia: Inclusive Education Combats Social Barriers
Despite its rating as least-developed country (LDC) where 56.5 per cent of the population are estimated by the World Bank (WB) to earn less than $2 a day (adjusted for purchasing power parity), Cambodia is consistently, albeit incrementally, improving its enrolment and literacy rates and successfully reducing poverty (from 34.7 per cent in 2004 to 30.1 per cent in 2007, WB). However, marginalized, physically impaired people are still severely affected by income inequality and exclusion.
Fighting Poverty in Guatemala: Importance of Public Investment in Education
By Anna Heikkinen
Twenty years have passed since the end of the Guatemalan civil war. The country has managed to take notable steps fostering its economic and human development. However, inequality and poverty still remain at concerning level. Investing in education is what Guatemala urgently needs to raise its people out of poverty and continue the success story of its economy on a sustainable basis.Development as Freedom And Education
By Bak Hyejin
Education can be regarded as a crucial factor for the development of capabilities as well as human development. A review of Amartya Sen's seminal work Development as Freedom.
How Free is Free Education in Kenya & Uganda?
Free education is a concept that is only free on paper, but the reality is, education in Uganda and Kenya is expensive. There have been cases where students had to buy a bag of cement, toilet papers and brooms for their school. And in some cases students who fail to make book donations to school have been sent away.
Pakistan: Why Not Invest in Multigrade Teaching?
Dr Abdur Rehman Cheema
While it might take decades for the government to provide quality monograde education to remote rural population of the country, little investment in improving the quality of multigrade education can yield significant results for the otherwise marginalized and poor communities.Arts for Social Change? Creative Projects Empowering Women and Youth
By Federica Busiello
When looking for empowerment projects, in a development context, we may think of livelihoods projects, vocational training and income generation activities, or projects that aim to improve access to or quality of education; or at least I used to. I have more recently come across initiatives that use arts for social change: projects that use a creative process to inspire those who participate to empower themselves.
Lecturio to Provide Free E-Learning Resources to Improve Global Health
Lecturio, a German tech company, has announced the launch of MEDI, a new Medical Education Development Initiative that aims to support medical capacity building in the developing world.
Translators Without Borders: When Linguistics Saves Lives
By Mike Levin
As of 2015, Translators Without Borders (TWB) is translating 800,000 words a month for 160 humanitarian organizations. Except for a small paid team in Nairobi, all work is done by volunteers. The demand is growing fast, which makes one wonder why it took so long for a global translation NGO to arrive.
African Initiatives – An NGO Empowering Tanzania’s Girls
by Christine Whinney
In Tanzania, there is a large disparity between boys’ and girls’ school enrollment and performance. GSDM catches up with African Initiatives, a...
NGO in Focus: Will Khan Academy Revolutionise Global Education?
by Avijita Kharel
Through a free online collection of more than 2,600 micro lectures, the Khan Academy tutors mathematics, history, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy,...